Greenwich Village Tour

Greenwich Village Tour

3 Hour Tour | Great for Vegetarians!

A minimum of SEVEN stops around one of the coolest neighborhoods in New York!


Greenwich Village is arguably still the coolest neighborhood in New York. The ever-changing area is synonymous with artists, the influential New York University (NYU), and, of course, the Washington Square Park arch.

We don't want to expand much on the Bohemian backyard (you'll get that on the tour), but we will say it's undergone a lot of changes through the years. Times have certainly changed for the area that was once a burial ground (seriously). For one thing, there's been a lot of commercialization and residential buildings going up. But, let's get to why you're here.

On our tour, we'll make our way through the aforementioned Washington Square Park and its famous arch, and witness first hand spots along the way that were captured in such films as I Am Legend, Searching For Bobby Fischer and August Rush - to name a few.

We stroll into the West Village- long considered to be the most serene section in all of Manhattan. We'll see the longest running Off Broadway theatre, the narrowest house, the oldest house, and Washington Irving's former home. Oh and for you Friends fans, you can check out the outside of their apartment. OK, let's not forget about the food! We make a minimum of seven stops on this tour

The tour lasts about three hours. And the meeting location for the tour will be included in your confirmation email

Nice Guy Tours

(646) 883-0310

Duration: 3 hours
Available Days/Times (e.g. Weekends only): Wednesday - Saturday 11am, 2:30pm
Listing created Oct 5, 2020

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